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Now Available to Amazon Prime Members -The Mexican Rose: House Of Cartels Book I.

*****Amazon Five Star Reader Reviews *****.

Now Available to Amazon Prime Members -The Mexican Rose: House Of Cartels Book I.

*****Amazon Five Star Reader Reviews *****.

“A wild ride across Mexico, reminiscent of Thelma & Louise ala MexicanaCorazon E-Books

Enter the World of The Méxican Rose: Rosa Ríos Suspense and Romance Crime Thriller.

                                                                                                                                                                         Alex St. Clair hails from the Lone Star State of Texas. Growing up as a teen, he dodged the local gangs called ‘pachucos’ and left the crime-infested streets of San Antonio for a rowdy elitist and tequila-infused college prep school in Guadalajara, Mexico. There he discovered the Huichole Indians of Nayarit and soon he and his bohemian class-mates joined the ‘marakame’ shamans in their annual pilgrimage to Real De Catorce for the scared peyote ritual emulating a Jack Kerouac ‘On The Road’ meets Hunter S. Thompson moment. It is here that he became enlightened to the spirit world….

In his twenties, he traveled throughout Mexico and Guatemala as a photo-journalist. He collected folk art for his curio shop Cuatro Caminos in Austin, Texas, voted the best Mexican Art Gallery by Texas Monthly Magazine. Throughout his life’s journey, he came to understand these indigenous cultures and share the secrets of their longevity. The Zapotec Indian tribe of Oaxaca introduced him to the healing and cleansing powers of psylocibin or ‘magic’ mushrooms called ‘La Familia’ for its small bunches. In the mountains of Olinala, Guererro, the Nahuatl Indian artisans taught him the use of cannabis sativa tea as a natural poltice and pain-killer, praising it’s therapeutic properties. Both tribal experiences resonate in his writings.

He later returned to study lingusitics at Cuahanahuac in Cuernavaca, Morelos, living with a Mexican family for one year to immerse himself in modern Mexico. This led to his fascination with Mayan culture; he travelled through the Mayan Highlands to Palenque and the rich exotic rainforest and lush jungles for several years. Later he fell passionately in love with the Mexican Caribbean and Yucatan where Tulum, Coba, Uxmal and Chichen Itza lie. He studied marine life and learned to scuba dive while learning local customs amongst the Mayans.

The locals shared their custom of the partaking of ‘El Abuelo'(grandfather) or Ayahuasca’, ‘spirit vine‘ of the Peruvian Andes, a legal powerful medicine derived from an Amazonian tree bark and vine. Botanists say it is the ‘Tree of Life’ and the Incas referred to it as the infamous Spanish quest for the ‘Fountain of Youth’. Ritualists claim it to release your inner body, soul and mind. He is currently researching the claims for a future book on psycho-tropics in the modern world of medicine.

His early literary and film influences include Charles Dickens, Stanley Kubrick, Robert Heinlein, Kahlil Gibran, Francis Ford Coppola, Isabel Allende and Carlos Castaneda. Philosophical influences include Mahatma Gandhi, Henry David Thoreau and William Jefferson Clinton. He has bungee jumped, parasailed, co-piloted single and twin engine airplanes, survived the Chichonal volcano explosion, hiked on the Popocateptl volcano, canoed the Usumacinta river, been lost in the rainforest for one day and has scuba dived 60 ft. in the Caribbean, all in his younger days.

Alex St. Clair is now semi-retired Ex-Pat, residing in Merida, Yucatan. When he’s not writing, Alex can be found cooking Tex-Mex fusion foods and Mexican cuisine dishes, climbing Mayan pyramids and swinging in a hammock with a tropical breeze to his back.

His two concurrent writing projects include the second installment to the House Of Cartels Trilogy, American Beauty Destroyed, and La Cocina De Mi Madre E-CookBook, a collection of his memoirs and famous family recipes.

House Of Cartels Trilogy and La Cocina De Mi Madre publishing on
Corazon E -Books

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